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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

Connect | Include| Evolve:
Executive Summary

Genesee Community College’s previous Strategic Plan, “Framing Our Future” helped to guide the College from 2018 through 2023. To ensure that the College continues to operate in a focused and efficient manner, a comprehensive effort has been undertaken to update the College’s Strategic Plan through the 2027- 2028 academic year. The updated strategic plan will be implemented in support of the College’s vision and mission that will assist in the new plan named “Connect | Include | Evolve”.

The College has had much success in past years, but many challenges remain to meet the needs of the local, regional, and global community. The College’s updated strategic plan consists of Strategic Priorities supported by Core Objectives which will provide a road map to meeting key performance indicators. The Core Objectives emphasize Genesee’s commitment to helping students successfully complete their educational goals.

With an increasingly diverse student population, the challenge to meet those personal goals is significant, requiring a concerted effort.

Genesee Community College will continue to build on its successes with new collaborative partnerships, innovative academic programs, and an inclusive culture that promotes academic excellence, continuous improvement, and professional development. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will serve as a living plan for the College to empower its students, employees and partners to “Connect | Include | Evolve”.

Development Process

The 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan is based on input received from six separate college forums where approximately 150 participants (including faculty, staff, students, high school administrators, Board of Trustee members, Foundation Board members, and GLOW region community members) came together. These groups generated ideas based on critical data they reviewed relating to current remediation rates, changing GLOW region demographics, completion rates, funding rates, and enrollment trends.

The results of the open forums were categorized and presented to a Leadership Team consisting of ten (10) individuals representing the above constituents. In addition, the Leadership Team referenced existing College Master Plans to integrate into the planning process. Based on the over one thousand ideas proposed at these open forums, the Leadership Team was charged with developing a core set of Strategic Priorities supported by Core Objectives which together form the 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan. The President and his Cabinet were also instrumental in providing regular oversight and input as the Strategic Plan was being developed. Over the next five years, this Strategic Plan will be used as a living document to assist in the development and alignment of annual plans of achievement for each division within the College, thereby bringing us closer to achieving the College’s mission.

Development & Implementation Timeline

September – October 2022: Leadership Team / Cabinet reviewed current priorities.

November 2022 – January 2023: College-wide Forums were held along with community meetings. Webpage with online comment form made available to the public through April 2023.

December 2022 – March 2023: Steering Committee revised mission and vision statements; developed core values;  developed and finalized core objectives for each Strategic Priority. Cabinet reviewed plan and provided input throughout.

March 2023 – April 2023: Webpages went live and college community was asked to review and provide feedback.

April 2023: Strategic Planning co-chairs submitted plan to Board of Trustees.

May 2023: Board of Trustees approved the plan and released to all stakeholders.

Leadership Team

Ms. Patricia Chaya (Co-Chair), Dean of Students

Ms. Patti Furness, Assistant Director for Operations

Mr. Thomas Kinsey, Reporting Analyst

Dr. Lina LaMattina, Director of Business Programs

Mr. John Maloney, Assistant Director of Marketing Communications

Ms. Carol Marriott, Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning

Ms. Michelle Peck, Secretary of Athletics

Mr. Timothy Tomczak (Co-Chair), Dean of Human Communications and Behavior

Ms. Gina Weaver (Co-Leader), Vice President of Finance and Operations

Dr. Shelitha Williams (Co-Leader), Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services / Chief Diversity Officer

Board of Trustees 2022-2023

Mr. Phillip DiMartino

Ms. Donna Ferry

Mr. David Hagelberger

Mr. Jacob Kasmarek, Student Trustee

Ms. Diana Kastenbaum

Ms. Maureen Marshall

Ms. Laurie Miller

Ms. Sarah Noble-Moag

Ms. Mary Alice Panek

Ms. Jacalyn Whiting, Chair

President and Cabinet Members 2022-2023

Dr. James M. Sunser, President

Ms. Bethany Aradine, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Mr. Justin Johnston, Vice President for Development and External Affairs, Foundation Executive Director

Dr. Craig Lamb, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Nikolas Varrone, Vice President/Chief Information Officer

Ms. Gina Weaver, Vice President for Finance and Operations

Dr. Shelitha Williams, Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services/Chief Diversity Officer



As an inclusive, learner-centered community college, we foster exceptional teaching and educational opportunities
that support equitable intellectual and social growth, a commitment to diversity, economic advancement, and
engaged citizenship, while focusing on individualized service.

Stucent looking through an apparatus.


GCC will be the college of choice, known for its highly innovative, flexible, and individualized educational experiences,
life-long learning opportunities, and ability to empower those in our community to thrive in a changing world.


In order to offer the highest quality academic experience and maintain a welcoming environment to all students and staff, GCC holds the following core values that we express in both the classroom and our daily lives:

Student walking through building


We commit to effective collaboration and open communication; we are united by our shared purpose and we value our connections with the broader community in which we serve.



We embrace the uniqueness of all individuals and groups for their ability to enrich every aspect of our teaching and learning environment.



We adhere to high ethical standards and practices; we value honesty, fairness, and transparency in all endeavors.

Professor teaching


We foster a creative, innovative, and collaborative environment that stimulates academic achievement and life-long learning.



We invest in student access, equity, and success to support individual growth, development, and advancement; we value each community member’s distinctive potential and capacity to contribute.

Prospective student speaking to tour guide


We strive for civility, courtesy, and thoughtfulness, while recognizing and appreciating different points of view.

Man and woman reviewing a laptop screen next to a set of industrial-scale solar panels.


We pledge to achieve long-term success and viability through environmental protection, stable
economic performance, social cohesion and improving the quality of campus life for the college community.

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

  1. Communication: Communicate effectively utilizing appropriate written, verbal, non-verbal and active listening skills in a contextually appropriate manner.
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: Represent information mathematically or employ quantitative methods to solve problems.
  3. Scientific Reasoning: Support or refute explanations of the natural world based on non-biased analysis of collected data.
  4. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice: Examine diversity factors in systems that affect individual and group rights, access and equity.
  5. History and Civic Engagement: Draw on knowledge of history and contemporary data to participate as an engaged and informed member of society.
  6. Values and Ethics: Evaluate how values and ethical principles inform decision making.
  7. Critical Thinking: Formulate a position or conclusion based upon the rational, skeptical and unbiased analysis of information (evidence, observations, or arguments).
  8. Information Literacy: Apply current information literacy practices to the search, critical evaluation and ethical use of information.
  9. Technological Competency: Utilize machines, equipment, digital tools or software relevant to their field.
  10. Health and Wellness: Identify activities or behaviors that promote wellbeing (health and wellness) over a lifetime.

Strategic Priorities & Core Objectives

1. Student Support & Success

Commit to the success of every student; provide programs and services designed to assist our diverse student body in achieving individual educational goals.

  • Core Objective 1.1: Support student progress rates at all segments and levels of their Genesee college career.
  • Core Objective 1.2: Improve successful outcomes (completion, transfer, and/or employment) for all of our students.
  • Core Objective 1.3: Create an educational environment that addresses the needs of post traditional students.

2. Teaching & Learning

Provide dynamic educational experiences that afford all members of the college community flexible opportunities to meet their career, educational, and personal enrichment goals.

  • Core Objective 2.1: Further develop an inclusive teaching and learning- centered environment that fosters student success and attainment of Institutional Learning Outcomes.
  • Core Objective 2.2: Continue to improve pedagogical and andragogical excellence through faculty and staff development.
  • Core Objective 2.3: Leverage continuous assessment outcomes to ensure dynamic adaptation of courses and programs.
  • Core Objective 2.4: Augment student experiences to apply learning beyond the classroom environment, such as internships, community service, and cooperative learning.
  • Core Objective 2.5: Expand innovative learning modalities that continue to reduce time and place restrictions and enrich the learning experience.

3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Wellness

Nurture a community that fosters respect and values global citizenship and social justice. Reinforce our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellness throughout all endeavors.

  • Core Objective 3.1: Expand current efforts to increase recruitment, retention, employment, and success of underrepresented populations within the college community.
  • Core Objective 3.2: Foster an environment of belongingness by broadening opportunities to better understand, embrace, and celebrate our individual differences.
  • Core Objective 3.3: Evaluate and improve upon services that support the wellness of the campus community.

4. Fiscal, Operational & Infrastructure Sustainability

Maintain efficient, effective operations; identify and pursue additional sources of revenue and financial support; improve infrastructure; and foster a safe environment.

  • Core Objective 4.1: Pursue opportunities to increase sources of revenue, including grants, strategic enrollment management, and community partnerships, while maintaining competitive tuition rates.
  • Core Objective 4.2: Act as good stewards of resources and maintain accountability to stakeholders.
  • Core Objective 4.3: Develop and implement initiatives in support of economically and environmentally sustainable goals.
  • Core Objective 4.4: Ensure alignment and execution of all institutional master plans (including but not limited to facilities, technology, enrollment, academic and diversity) with the College’s Strategic Plan.

5. Campus & Community Engagement

Value our collegial, open, and transparent environment that inspires creativity and innovation. Foster meaningful relationships with community partners to elevate the profile of GCC.

  • Core Objective 5.1: Continuously refine communication channels to promote institutional transparency, collaboration, and effectiveness.
  • Core Objective 5.2: Provide and support faculty and staff with opportunities to innovate within the college community and the GLOW region.
  • Core Objective 5.3: Enrich the local workforce by increasing collaboration with key employment sectors. Develop programming to advance evolving employment skills needed throughout the community.
  • Core Objective 5.4: Strengthen synergies with community partners and engage in legislative advocacy to support our mission and values.
  • Core Objective 5.5: Create and facilitate avenues to connect students with the broader community (e.g., local businesses, external events).
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